Careers 10

Careers Hub

Careers hub

Empty headingmpty headiEmpty headingWelcome to the Careers Hub

Here you will find all information on the services we offer our students.
Careers Information and Guidance Education (CIAGE) has never been so important as a government agenda.  As a college we strive to continue to maintain the achievement of all eight Gatsby Benchmarks. Details of the benchmarks are included in the Department for Education statutory guidance for schools and colleges which were published in September 2023. 

It is an exciting time for Careers Education with technical reform and restructuring of higher education. Here at Winstanley we aim to provide all our students with support and advice that will empower them to make confident and informed decisions about their future. As well as regular updates about new and exciting careers opportunities, as a team we offer the following services:

  • 1:1 Careers Guidance Appointments
  • Research and information workshops
  • Regular updates on Labour Market Information
  • Application support and workshops
  • Careers Hub drop-in service
  • Careers Fairs and Events 
  • Guest speakers across curriculum areas
  • Weekly updates and news of all career's opportunities

Making an appointment

The Careers Hub has a drop-in service but students can also self-refer and make their own appointments with different members of the team. Please follow the link or scan the QR code to book in.

Book here

Careers booking qr code

All trained staff within our team offer encouraging and impartial advice and support to all students. Life after college can be daunting and sometimes confusing. At the Careers Hub we use a variety of up-to-date resources to equip students with the right information. The following resources will also be useful when making decisions about the future.


National Career Service

Work Experience

Work experience of any kind is more important than ever and is vital in making applications stand out from the crowd. Universities and employers are looking for students who have gained a range of skills and knowledge to compliment what they are achieving in their subjects. Phil Morgan is our full time Work Experience Coordinator who is available to source and support onsite work placements for students, as well as signposting students to opportunities with virtual placements, work tasters and internships.

Work Experience 

Careers Programmes

Winstanley understands that some students show an interest in a particular career path and will need support to explore this pathway. We have created specific careers programmes which guide and inform students through a range of activities, talks, workshops and events. 

Student testimonials:

'Before my Careers meeting I was unsure what path to take. Careers explained different career options and showed me some degree apprenticeships whilst telling me where to find them. As well as giving me advice. Cherry has put me in contact with an architectural firm and we are currently discussing future work experience there. It's so easy to book an appointment and I have been given opportunities that wouldnt be possible without their help'


Feel free to contact the careers team any time.

College phone number 01695 633244
Cherry Bryant – ext 1227
Phil Morgan
Julie Tindall