
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Winstanley College is committed to creating an inclusive environment that is pro-active in the way that it respects Equality and Diversity for all. This means three things for students and staff:

Firstly, even though we are aware of the differences caused by, for example, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, physical ability or health status, age or socio-economic background, college aims to respond to these differences in a way that meets your needs both as an individual and as someone who may feel affiliation to particular groups. We want to give you the opportunity to work or study in an environment where you feel safe, respected and appreciated and where your voice can be heard.

Secondly, College needs to provide a learning environment that helps each individual student to learn effectively and each member of staff to develop. Your learning and development needs – however individual they are – should be met and supported by College.

Thirdly we would like you to be aware of, and participate in, your local community and in the vibrant and dynamic multi-ethnic, multi-racial and multi-cultural world of Britain today. Our commitment to you means, therefore, that we encourage you to be involved in your local community, particularly in the working world and in the wider European and world community.

Our Commitment

We have a commitment to equality and recognise the right to be different (diversity). We will try to create a college ethos that recognises and welcomes the individuals right to be an individual.

As a member of the College community we all have a part to play to ensure we show Zero Tolerance when addressing issues of bullying, harassment or interference with the equality and diversity rights of any individual.

Students are very respectful and caring for each other. They show high levels of tolerance and understanding across the diverse student population. For example, students benefit from a very active LGBT+ society that is supported and encouraged by leaders and managers. During Black History Month, students celebrated Black British history by promoting prominent Black British individuals from across society.

Ofsted, February 2020

Each year our EDI Steering Group  (made up of 10 staff members and the Student Union’s Equality and Diversity Officer) hold a variety of events, and celebrations to celebrate the college’s diverse community and promote inclusivity, such as;

  • Black History Month
  • Culture Day
  • International Women’s Day
  • Pride

To read our full EDI policy please follow the link below:

EDI Policy

To contact our EDI Steering Group please complete the form below. Please navigate to the bottom of the page to see pictures of our recent EDI events.

EDI Steering Group

EDI Steering Group
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