Quad girls

Social Action

A social action project is a multi-step process in which students address an issue they care about, learn about potential solutions to solve it, then take action to create positive change on this issue. The College also celebrates diversity and inclusion by marking holidays such as Christmas, Eid and has a Culture day. Below are some of the opportunities for Winstanley students to make a difference:

Autism Society

The Autism Society is open to all neurodivergent students, regardless of formal diagnosis or stage on the pathway. The students meet to discuss college life and their experiences of being a neurodivergent young person. It is a great way to make new friends and to raise awareness of neurodivergence across the college.

BAME Society

At Winstanley College we are committed to ensuring that all students are able to learn in a safe environment that celebrates diversity. As part of this, groups of students meet as part of BAME Society to have difficult conversations surrounding racial discrimination such as the teaching of Black History in schools.

Children in Need

Every year, Winstanley College holds a fundraising event for Children in Need. Past events have included pyjama day, bake sales and a quiz.

Class and Department Reps

Represent your class and your department to feedback to teachers and senior leaders on what your class needs to ensure you have the best College experience.

Comic/ Sport Relief

Winstanley College students always come together to raise money for Comic and Sport Relief. Events on the day include quizzes and sports tournaments such as glow in the dark badminton and football competitions.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a nationally recognised award that is highly valued by universities and employers. You can choose to do the bronze, silver or gold award. During the awards you will choose three volunteering, physical and skills activities to complete each week over a period of 6-18 months. You will prepare and complete two expeditions and you will receive support to prepare for these sessions on a training weekend.

For more information follow the link below:

Duke of Edinburgh Award

First Aid

Winstanley College works with an external agency to provide an intensive one day first aid course at the end of which students will receive a First Aid at Work certificate. This first aid certificate can then be used across different workplaces improving employability and helping with applications to university.

Ghana Trip

Winstanley College works with Womens' Empowerment Charity, Enliven Mama Africa, based in Kumasi, Ghana. Students will go over to Ghana and work with the charity to help women gain employment by teaching ICT and working on a farm. Students will also have the opportunity to explore Ghana and will travel to Mole National Park and the cape Coast as part of the trip.

LGBTQ+ Society

Our LGBTQ+ Society allows you to research, discuss and raise awareness of key LGBTQ+ issues and figures. You will create displays around College, hold events and work with departments to celebrate the LGBTO+ community.

Mental Health and Meditation

At Winstanley College, we understand that sometimes you can feel overwhelmed or stressed. As well as lots of other support, we have a student run society where students can meet up to talk about mental health and to take part in meditation sessions allowing you to sometimes take the time out you need.

Mental Health Ambassadors

The Mental Health Champion training empowers students to promote and support positive mental health across College. Students will embark on a unique training journey to understand why mental health is important and how to care for themselves. They will then use this knowledge to support their peers by developing mental health and wellbeing initiatives at College and organising events. This is an exciting opportunity for students who are passionate about caring for others.


Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. At Winstanley we have many Mo-bros and Mo-sisters who take part every November to raise money for Movember.

Peer Mentors

The Peer Mentor scheme offers Upper Sixth students the opportunity to support Lower Sixth students with their academic progress and personal development. Upper Sixth mentors are provided with a range of training opportunities to develop key skills such as teamwork, communication, coaching and mental health peer support. The scheme offers Lower Sixth mentees the opportunity to meet with a mentor once a week to ease the transition from GCSE and build confidence in subject areas. The Peer Mentor scheme creates lasting friendships!

Remembrance Day Tribute

On 11th November every year, all students and staff come together to remember the people who have given their lives in conflict. The Last Post is played by our music students and all students and staff then observe the two minutes silence.

Sign Language

British Sign Language (or BSL) is a helpful skill to have. It consists of hand movements, hand shapes, facial expressions and lip patterns to demonstrate what people want to say. This 10-week course will teach you the basics of BSL You will learn how to ask questions, find out how someone is and have a conversation with someone using BSL.

Student Ambassadors

Represent college at Open Evenings helping to show new students around College. As part of this you will develop your communication skills and be able to help any new students who are about to make the move to sixth form.

Student Union

The Student Union relies on your support and involvement and without it, it cannot function. We are always seeking more help, whatever level of commitment you can offer, and if you want to become more involved with the running of the union, why not become a union officer on the Executive Committee? Run or join a club or society? Organise a College gig? Promote student welfare? Whatever you fancy doing the Student Union can help make it happen!

For mor information on the Student Union follow the link below:

Student Union

World Challenge

World Challenge facilitates truly life-changing experiential travel outside the classroom, to destinations all around the world. At Winstanley College, all students will be offered the opportunity to travel abroad with World Challenge to volunteer, trek in a different country and learn about the world.

Recent trips have visited Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Nepal

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