Financial Support

Financial Support

At Winstanley we offer a range of bursaries to students to support their studies at college. You can apply at any time throughout the year depending on your circumstances as we understand these may change.

Please note Bursary Funding is limited, when available funds have been allocated, the scheme will be closed to applications.

Please apply online below:


Further enquiries can be made by contacting:

16-19 Winstanley College Bursary Fund

The Student Bursary is money that has been allocated to College by the Government to assist 16-19 year old students who face financial difficulties to continue in full-time education. The Bursary fund is categorised as follows:-

A: Guaranteed Bursary

You are entitled to a guaranteed bursary of at least £1,200 per year if you are:- a young person in care, or a care leaver, or a young person in direct receipt of income support in your own right, or a disabled student in receipt of employment support plus personal independence payment allowance. Evidence will need to be provided.

B: Discretionary Bursary

If your household income is less than £25,000 you may be eligible for a weekly bursary payment of £10 over 38 weeks, or you may be issued with a transport pass if you use our private transport to travel to college. Proof of your household income is required.

If your household income is below £16,190 or you are in receipt of benefits you may be entitled to a bursary and also free college meals.  You will need to provide proof of household income or benefits.

(Please also apply if your household income is below £27,000. We will review these applications at a later date to see if we are able to offer some financial help.)

Up Holland Grammar School Educational Foundation

As a guideline, any student who lives in the Winstanley College catchment area and whose family relies on benefit or income is less than £25,000 per year would be eligible to apply.

Further enquiries can be made by contacting:

Up Holland Grammar School Education Foundation 

Free Transport

If students are eligible for the bursary fund and also have a need to purchase an annual private transport permit, then you will qualify for the full cost of the yearly permit which will be organised by Student Services. If you don’t require a private permit then a weekly allowance will be made via BACS.

These payments will be dependent on good attendance, satisfactory academic progress and it is subject to the number of applications received and the funds being available.

Free College Meals

To be eligible for free college meals you must be aged 16-19 and you or your parent or guardian must receive one of these benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC))
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after someone stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 pa

We have an electronic payment system so that students can discretely pay for their meal using their college ID badge. Please do apply if you think you qualify.

Your application will be assessed for both free college meals and the 16-19 bursary fund.

Care to Learn ? Childcare

Care to Learn can help you with childcare costs while you study. You could receive up to £160 per week for each child. For more information and to make an application please visit: 

Care to Learn 

Addition support available to students


  • extra financial support available in extenuating circumstances
  • additional Bursary support for students requiring assistance towards curriculum essential trips
  • small emergency loans to pay for lost bus/meal money
  • loan equipment essential for completion of course work

Other useful links

16-19 Financial Support Guidance

EFA Funding Guidance 


Learner Support Service provider hotline – 0300 303 8610

16-19 Bursary Fund Queries – Email:

Financial Support FAQs

Who will be eligible to apply for the Bursary Fund? 

Students must be aged 16-18 on 31st August 2020. Students must be ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK, for the last three years.


Will the Student Bursary be income assessed? 

Yes, the Student Bursary will be assessed on household income of the person financially responsible for the student and with whom they live.

If the student lives independently or claims Income Support in their own right, only the student’s income will be assessed.


What is Evidence of Income? 

Evidence will need to be provided of income i.e. P60, current working tax credit award notice all pages universal tax credit awards by 3 months, benefit letters from DWP. Applications will not be considered without valid evidence.


When can I apply? 

You can apply at any time throughout the year depending on your circumstances.


Will payments be backdated once I have applied? 

Payments will only be backdated if you apply before October half term.


How will you know if your application is successful? 

The College will write to all applicants informing them of the outcome of their application. This will outline the level of assistance they will receive.


How will payments be made? 

BACS transfers need to be paid to the student’s own bank account. A basic bank account (which students can open at age 16) allows BACS transfers and allows the student to withdraw money. More information on basic bank accounts can be found at British Bankers’ Association.


What to do if you are not happy with the decision regarding your application? 

Applicants are able to appeal against any decision made regarding their application. Appeals should be made in writing outlining reasons for the appeal and sent to the Finance Department at the College.


What do I do if I have changes in circumstances? 

You will be required to inform the Bursary Fund Administrator of any changes in your financial situation.


Data Protection  

Any data supplied will be protected by the Data Protection Act 1998/GDPR 2018.



Applications and evidence of income are only seen by staff involved in the delivery of the Student Bursary Scheme.

Contact Bursary

Contact Bursary
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