Financial Support

Financial Support

At Winstanley we offer a range of bursaries to students to support their studies at college. You can apply at any time throughout the year depending on your circumstances.

The Bursary link is currently unavailable, as the system is being updated.

Lower 6th going into Upper 6th will be emailed shortly advising them of the procedure.

New students will be advised shortly of the procedure, please look out for emails.

16-19 Winstanley College Bursary Fund


College bursaries and Free College meals

A bursary is financial support that you can use to support your education at college.  Depending upon eligibility,  we may be able to support you with transport, meals, a weekly payment to cover other educational costs.  Bursaries are reviewed each academic year and may change due to college funding.

You can apply for Bursary once you have enrolled at Winstanley College. We recommend that you get your information ready in advance so that you can apply as soon as our system is live.

Enrolment dates are 24-25 August 2023.  Most systems go live in the period up to and including Induction days 4-7 September, once student ID, login, badge and email account records have been generated.  This may take a few days from enrolment so please bear with us at this busy time.

Please note:

  • You will need to have an electronic copy of your Universal Credit (UC) award or other benefits or proof of your household income e.g. a P60 as part of your application.
  • For Bursary P – you will need a letter to say that you had Free School Meals at school from your high school or local authority.
  • You will need to upload proof or income and or benefits as we have to keep evidence of assessment of need available for audit.
  • You will be able to upload this information onto our paymystudent platform shortly after enrolment.
  • You will find the link to paymystudent on our website in the section on financial support for students.

If your household circumstances change during the year, then you can still apply to us for bursary or free meals at any time.

It could take a few days from you submitting your bursary application to you receiving an outcome of your application (particularly at the start of the academic year). However, we will back date any bursary entitlement. Your award will last for two years provided your circumstances do not change and as long as college funding remains the same.  We will write to you in the summer term of Lower 6th to request confirmation if there has been a change in your circumstances or not.

We will assess your application based on need in one of the following categories A-F, P or T.  Please see below for further information:

  • As we receive a finite fund from government, so we may not be able to support categories E, F and P as much as other students in categories A-D.
  • The Bursary categories A-D are the priority ones and where possible, we endeavour to support all eligible applications in these categories.



This is only available to specific vulnerable students.

What you may receive

Based upon need,  you may qualify for a free college bus pass, a weekly payment and for free college meals. (up to £6 per day to cover meals at breakfast and lunch)

Who is eligible?

  • To qualify, as a student,  you must be:
  • In care or a care leaver.
  • Receiving Income support or Universal Credit (UC) in your own right as a student.
  • Receiving a Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence payment (PIP) as well as UC or Employment and Support Allowance in your own right as a student.
  • You will need to upload proof of your benefits, as a student, onto Paymystudent shortly after enrolment.


BURSARY B  - Guaranteed Free Meals Bursary   

This is available if your family has a total household income below £16,190 or your family are on Universal Credit (UC) with earned income of not more than £7400 per year.

What you may receive

  • Based upon need, you may qualify for a free college bus pass or a weekly payment and free college meals (up to £6 per day to cover meals at breakfast and lunch.)

Who is eligible?

Students or their parents must be in receipt of one of the following benefits to qualify for guaranteed free college meals:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided students and parents are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC))
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after someone stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 for each year (after tax and not including any benefits they get)

You will need to upload proof of your benefits and or annual income as a family onto Paymystudent shortly after enrolment.


BURSARY C  Discretionary Free College Meals Bursary 

This is available if your family has a total household income below £20,190 or are on Universal Credit (UC) with earned income of not more than £11,400 per year.

What you may receive

  • Based upon need, you may qualify for a free college bus pass or a weekly payment and free college meals (up to £6 per day to cover meals at breakfast and lunch.)

Who is eligible?

  • Households on Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £11,400 for each year
  • Households with a total income below £20,190

You will need to upload proof of your benefits and or annual income as a family onto Paymystudent shortly after enrolment.


BURSARY D – Discretionary Bursary

This is usually available if your family has a total household income below £30,000.

What you may receive

  • Based upon need you may qualify for a free college bus pass, or a termly bus pass if you travel across the Merseyside boundary on the Arriva buses.

Who is eligible?

  • Households with a total income below £30,000

You will need to upload proof of your annual household income as a family onto Paymystudent shortly after enrolment.


BURSARY E – Discretionary Bursary

This may be available if your family has a total household income between £30,000 and £35,000. 

What you may receive

Based upon need and available funds, we may be able to fund a free or partially free pass on college bus services.

Who is eligible?

  • Households with a total income below £35,000.  In the past our funding has only allowed us to support households up to £30,000 total household income but we recognise that the cost of living is putting pressure on all household budgets,  so we are hoping to be able to help families with incomes between £30,000-£35,000 (subject to the number of applications we receive).

You will need to upload proof of your annual household income as a family onto Paymystudent shortly after enrolment.


BURSARY F – Discretionary Bursary

This may be available if your family has a total household income between £35,000 and £40,000.

What you may receive

  • Based upon need and available funds, we may be able to fund a free or partially free bus pass on college bus services.

Who is eligible?

Households with a total income below £40,000.   In the past, our funding has only allowed us to support households up to £30,000 total income, but we recognise that the cost of living is putting pressure on all household budgets, so we are hoping to be able to help families with incomes between £35,000-£40,000 (subject to the number of applications we receive).

You will need to upload proof of your annual household income as a family onto Paymystudent shortly after enrolment.


BURSARY P – Protected Free College Meals

This is available if a student provides evidence that they qualified for Free School Meals in Year 11 at high school, but no longer meets the income or benefits thresholds for Bursary A B or C.

What you may receive

  • Based upon need you may qualify for free lunch worth up to £3.50 per day.

Who is eligible?

  • Families need to provide evidence that the student was eligible for free school meals at high school either as a letter from the school or from the Local Authority.  A copy of your letter showing entitlement to free school meals must be uploaded with your bursary application onto Pay my student.  Transitional protection of free school meals is on an individual child basis.

You will need to upload evidence that your child qualified for free school meals at school onto Paymystudent shortly after enrolment.


BURSARY T – Postcode based Transport Bursary

This is available to families living in specific postcode areas that are deemed to be disadvantaged or rural. It is also based upon the distance travelled to College.   

What may you receive

Depending upon how far you travel on a college bus service and where you live,  we may give a rebate off the £499 you pay for your college bus permit.   You should sign up for transport as normal and make instalment payments, we will apply the bursary as a refund once we have calculated the rebate and you have made all your other instalment payments. The rebate varies depending upon how far you travel and where you live.  So for example if you live in disadvantage area 3 miles from college you may receive a rebate of £83.   If you are a student living in a rural and disadvantaged area that is a long way from college you may get up to £416.    If you already qualify for Bursary A-F you will not get an additional refund.

You do not need to upload evidence we will contact you.

As postcode classifications are updated regularly by the government we cannot guarantee that your postcode will always qualify for support.  Different addresses in the same street may be categorised differently.




Weekly payments e.g. How are weekly bursary payments made?

Weekly payments can only be made into a bank account in the name of the student.  Payments to parent’s bank accounts are not allowed unless there are exceptional reasons.  Students therefore may need to open their own bank account if they do not have one already.  We are not allowed to make cash payments to asylum seeker students. 

Why do I need bursary to pay for College Transport?

Although transport is free in some areas like Greater Manchester this is not universal.  The college has to put on some buses of its own as these are not paid for by the local authorities.  For these college services we have to make a charge.  The college already subsidises the cost of travel to students on college bus services down to £499.

Credit card payment in full or direct debit instalment options are available to help you spread the cost over 6 monthly payments.   

If you qualify for bursary and use Arriva bus services to travel to college which cross the boundary from St Helens to Wigan, please get in touch as it may be more cost effective for us to buy you a termly scholar pass rather than pay for your transport weekly through bursary.

How will I obtain Free College Meals when I am at college?

Free college meals are provided on the student’s ID badge when presented at the till.  The daily value will be £3.50 to cover lunch or £6.00 to cover lunch and breakfast, depending upon a student’s financial circumstances.  Students are encouraged to make healthy option choices for their meal(s).   The badges will be activated after the induction days as soon as you have proved you qualify for Free Meals  (uploading information)

Transition to Year 13 e.g. How long will I receive Bursary or Free Meals for?

We can continue to pay your bursary or Free College Meals in the Upper 6th as long as you confirm to us that your circumstances have not changed.  We will contact you in the summer term of Lower 6th to request confirmation of this.

Can you provide any other financial help while I am at college  ?  What other funds available and other support are there?

  • The college may be able to loan you textbooks or computer equipment that you need for your course’s dependent upon need and availability. 
  • The college will loan you protective equipment necessary for your course.    
  • The college has a hardship fund and may be able to help you with other equipment subject to need or with other costs such as attendance at interview or university open day, or trips and visits that are essential as part of your course. 

The Upholland Foundation may be able to help students with trips and visit costs that are not essential but desirable for your course.





‘x* subject to funds –*all Bursary payments and top up to Free Meals depend upon college funding which is a finite award from government


PBI = provide evidence of household income or benefits see details above

PFSM = provide evidence of Free Meals in Year 11 at High School                                        UC = Universal Credit

Up Holland Grammar School Educational Foundation

As a guideline, any student who lives in the Winstanley College catchment area and whose family relies on benefit or income is less than £25,000 per year would be eligible to apply.

Further enquiries can be made by contacting

Up Holland Grammar School Education Foundation

Free Transport

If students are eligible for the bursary fund and also have a need to purchase an annual private transport permit, then you will qualify for the full cost of the yearly permit which will be organised by Student Services. If you don’t require a private permit then a weekly allowance will be made via BACS.

These payments will be dependent on good attendance, satisfactory academic progress and it is subject to the number of applications received and the funds being available.

See Bursary options above.

Free College Meals

To be eligible for guaranteed free college meals you must be aged 16-19 and you or your parent or guardian must receive one of these benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC))
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after someone stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 pa

We have an electronic payment system so that students can discretely pay for their meal using their college ID badge. Please do apply if you think you qualify.

You may be eligible for Discretionary free meals see Bursary info above.

Your application will be assessed for both free college meals and the 16-19 bursary fund and Discretionary Bursary/FSM.

Care to Learn - Childcare

Care to Learn can help you with childcare costs while you study. You could receive up to £160 per week for each child. For more information and to make an application please visit

The college understands that circumstances may change throughout the year, any applications received after the deadline will be considered. Please note Bursary Funding is limited, when available funds have been allocated, the scheme will be closed to applications.

Additional Support Available for Students

Addition support available to students:

  • extra financial support available in extenuating circumstances
  • additional Bursary support for students requiring assistance towards curriculum essential trips
  • small emergency loans to pay for lost bus/meal money
  • loan equipment essential for completion of course work
  • households where more than one student has a private bus pass
  • students using the Arriva Liverpool City Region Plus season ticket who meet the Bursary household income levels

Further enquiries can be made by contacting

Other Useful Links

Contact Bursary

Contact Bursary
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