Quad girls


The Amenities Fund relies on donations from parents and is used to provide additional support for students, fund student events and purchase equipment. This money has been used for things such as student social space with additional outdoor seating and the new Garden Room, as well as books for the library and sports & performance equipment. The Amenities Fund has also helped to subsidise the Awards Evening which is a fantastic event to give recognition to our hard-working students.

Amenities Fund Poster

Thank you in advance for your very kind support – our students do appreciate it. 

You can donate online via the College ParentPay site, with your log on details provided in August and selecting one of the X01 Student Amenities Donation items or by cheque payable to Winstanley College Amenities Fund returned to the College Reception. 

We can gift aid your donation if you select X01 Gift Aid Student Amenities Donations and tick the consent box to confirm that you are a UK Taxpayer 


Once again can we thank you for your kind support. If you have any ideas regarding fundraising for the College please contact us via the Contact Form below.

There are two additional ways of donating to the College Amenities Fund:  

Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundraising is a simple way to raise money for Winstanley College Amenities Fund. Shop with any of over 3,300 well-known retailers via the Easy Fundraising website below, and a percentage of what you spend is passed onto the Winstanley College Amenities Fund at no additional cost to you. 

Retailers include the brands shown below and many others besides.  Please register to support the Amenities Fund at the college today. 

Support the Winstanley College Amenities Fund

Participating companies:



If you would like to make a donation to support the Amenities Fund,

Bank Details

Bank Name: Winstanley College Amenities Fund Bank

Sort Code : 09-02-22

Account Number: 10695267

Please complete a Friends and Alumni Donation Form and return this form to:
Finance Department
Winstanley College
Winstanley Road,
WN5 7XF 

Friends and Alumni Donation Form

If supporting the Amenities Fund by cheque please return your donation with a Gift Aid Form to the Finance Department at the college. 

Gift Aid Form

Once again can we thank you for your kind support. If you have any ideas regarding fundraising for the College please contact us

Contact Bursary

Contact Bursary
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