Campus 2

Post Results Service

Post Result Information 2024

What happens once you have received your results, will depend on the results you have achieved. 

Please don’t worry if things don’t go to plan!  There will be a team of experienced staff on hand to help and advise you about what to do next. Guidance on how to contact College on Results Day will be provided with results.

Once you receive your results, you will be in one of the positions below:   

What your status in UCAS track means and what to do next 

Your status in Track 

What this means 

What you should do next 

Congratulations! Your place at [uni name] for [course title] has been confirmed. 

You’re in! You’ve been firmly accepted at the university or college shown. 

Great news! Make sure you check the details carefully in Track. you should then receive details from the university or college about what to do.

You have replied to your offer(s) and are holding at least one conditional place. 

We are waiting for your university or college to let us know if you’ve met the conditions and have been accepted. 

If you meet the conditions of your offer(s), the university or college will confirm your place in Track. (You then might need to send them details of your results, if they ask for them.) 

You are in Clearing. Your Clearing number is [Clearing number]. 

You aren’t holding any offers at a university or college – this might be because you received no offers or because you didn’t meet the conditions of the offers you did receive.  

Don’t worry; you might be able to find another course in:

the UCAS Clearing service

Remember, if you’re waiting for exam results, you won’t be able to use Clearing until you receive them. 

You can now apply for a course available in Clearing. 

Look for courses when the Clearing vacancy search becomes live within the UCAS search tool, then contact the university or college to discuss your options. 

If you get permission, you can add the Clearing choice in Track. 

[Uni name] has offered you an unconditional place with substantial changes to your original choice. 

You are now waiting for confirmation from [uni name] (your other university or college). 

This means one of your universities or colleges has offered you a changed course offer, but that you’re still waiting for your other choice to make a decision. 

The changed course offer could be a change to the course itself, the start date or the point of entry. 

This is usually if you didn’t meet the conditions but the university or college wants to offer you an alternative place anyway. 

Check the details of the changed course offer in Track. 

If the changed course offer is your Firm choice, you can accept it now if you want to study that course, or you can wait to see if your Insurance choice confirms your offer – if so, you’ll be able to accept that instead if you want. 

If the changed course offer is your Insurance offer, you’ll have to wait to see if your Firm choice confirms you. 

At least one of your universities or colleges has offered you an unconditional place with substantial changes to your original choice. 

This means you’ve heard back from your choices, and at least one of them is a changed course offer.   

This could be a change to the course, start date or point of entry. 

This is usually if you didn’t meet the conditions but the university or college wants to offer you an alternative place anyway. 

Check the details of the changed course offer in Track. 

If the changed course offer is your Firm choice, you can accept it if you want to study that course. If not, you can accept your Insurance choice if they have confirmed your place. 

If both offers are changed course offers, then you can accept whichever one you would prefer. 

If you want to accept an offer, you’ll need to reply in Track within five days or you will lose the offer(s). 



Results Day Service 

The Enquiry Form will go live at 8.30am on A-level results day and will be picked up by staff in College. You will be asked about your preferred method of contact on the form (e.g. contact number / email / Teams call) and you can expect to hear from a member of specialist staff as quickly as possible after submitting your enquiry.  

Enquiry Form

The Enquiry Form will go live at 8.30 am on A-level results day and will be picked up by staff in College. You will be asked about your preferred method of contact on the form (e.g. Phone/Email /Microsoft Teams call) and you can expect to hear from a member of specialist staff as quickly as possible after submitting your enquiry.  


Adjustment is applicable if you are accepted by your Firm choice and you meet and exceed the conditions of the offer: 

Find out more about Adjustment here:

UCAS Adjustment

Adjustment is a chance for you to reconsider where and what to study. If you’ve had a Conditional Firm choice accepted – and therefore made into an Unconditional Firm choice – you could potentially swap your place for one on another course you prefer. 

Adjustment is available from A level results day, until mid-August. 

It’s entirely optional, and a lot of competitive courses will be full – but other applicants might have missed their conditions or swapped a course too, so it could be worth seeing what’s available. If you try Adjustment but you don’t find anything, you’ll still keep the course you gained on results day. You’ll see the option to register in Track. Your original university first (UF) choice will be safe while you’re looking for another – you’ll only lose it if you confirm you’d like to go elsewhere and the new university/college adds themselves to your application. 

Don’t forget! You put a lot of effort into choosing your original university places and you have to think about accommodation/finance etc


‘Clearing’ on the UCAS website will open on results day. It shows all the courses that currently have vacancies (it is updated regularly). You can research any relevant courses via this link: 


Once you know your results, if it is appropriate you will be able to use this UCAS Clearing process to try and secure a University place. You can contact the University Admissions Tutors directly – make sure you know your personal UCAS ID before contacting them. Of course, advice and guidance will also be available via our Personal Tutors 


Winstanley College is committed to ensuring that whenever subject teachers assess students’ work for external qualifications it is done fairly, consistently and in accordance with the specification for the qualification concerned. Assessments will be conducted by subject teachers who have appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills, and who also have the qualified experience to administer this task. Students’ work should be produced and authenticated in accordance with the requirements of the awarding body. Where a set of work is divided between staff, consistency will be assured by internal moderation and standardisation. 

Appeals against Internal Assessment

If a student believes that the assessment process has not been conducted in accordance with the above guidelines, they should follow the appeals procedure. 

Appeals Procedure: 

1. An appeal must be made in writing, using the Enquiries and Appeals form, to the College’s Examinations Officer within 5 working days of a mark being issued 

2. The enquiry into the internal process will be led by either the Examinations Officer or a Senior member of staff. 

3. The enquiry will investigate whether the procedures used for the internal assessment were in accordance with the published requirements of the Awarding Body and the Examination Code of Practice and marking is of the correct standard. 

4. During the appeal process marks may be increased, decreased or remain the same. The outcome of the appeal will determine the mark which is sent to the exam board. A second appeal cannot be made on the same piece of work. 

5. All parties will be informed in writing of the outcome of the appeal. 

6. A written record of the appeal will be kept on file for future record. If the appeal should highlight any significant irregularity, the Awarding Body will be notified. When coursework or controlled assessment units are internally assessed and marked, the centre marks are sent to the Awarding Body who allocates their own moderator. This process is to ensure consistency of marking between all centres. Marks can change when moderated externally; this is beyond the control of Winstanley College and is outside the scope of this procedure. 

If you require any further information, please contact the Exams Office. 

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