Film wintv

Film Studies

Learn about how a film is technically put together, its place in history, the important messages it carries and the impact it has had on its audience and society over the years.

Why study Film Studies?

Film Studies is a challenging, thought-provoking and highly enjoyable course! Whether you are already an enthusiastic film buff, a budding filmmaker, or you would simply like to learn more about the industry, then this is the subject for you! You are also given the chance to develop your technical filmmaking skills either through screenwriting or short ffiilmmaking.

What will I study?

You will get the opportunity to study a wide range of films and film styles, looking at Hollywood, the British Film Industry and analysis of films from around the world. You will learn about why Hollywood in the 1950s was seen as the ‘classic’ era and what makes British films different to high concept films from the US. You will also get the opportunity to study films from different countries and look at the way directors use their films to deliver social or political messages. We look at different film genres like documentary, short film and silent cinema and study the work of some of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Some of your time will be spent in practical film production, using some of the industry-standard equipment in the department to produce your own short film.

Which exam board & how will I be assessed?


There are two final exams worth 70% plus a piece of coursework which is worth 30% of the final grade.

Where could it take me?

Popular degree course such as film and screen studies, film production or screenwriting. Some students will enter a related field such as journalism, media technology, television and radio or even production management. In the last two years we have had two film students receive offers from Oxbridge to read English and politics respectively. We also have a significant number of students every year who study unelated degrees at a Russell Group University.

Subject combinations

Humanities, Business Studies, all English courses, all Art courses and Media Studies combine well. Maths and sciences students also enjoy the different skills that studying film offers.

What support is available?

Our dedicated Media Technician is on hand to deliver individual workshops and support you when using the equipment. We offer one-to-one and group tutorials and have run a successful student mentoring system. We have a wide range of online resources such as films you can view via our ‘Learning On Screen’ access, Microsoft Teams and Moodle.


What extracurricular activity is available?

You will be invited to participate in a wide range of activities such as Winstanley TV, cinema trips and visiting expert workshops. Recently the college has visited London, New York and Hollywood!


Did you know?

  • In the last exam series, Film Studies students achieved an outstanding80% A*-B pass rate. 
  • 33% of our students in the last exam series achieved A*-A grade incomparison to 12% nationally.