Students college view

History Modern

The fascinating story of human behaviour and the people and moments that have shaped our world. 

Why study Modern History? 

Through Moden History, you will learn to appreciate and weigh up different points of view, examine the impact of decisions and explore an individual’s motivations. Common to each of our History courses are narratives that are full of intrigue, heroism, conflict and struggle. You will investigate some of the greatest personalities and events of the past. Each of these topics illuminates the present whilst being fascinating in their own right. 

A-level History is achievable through either the Modern History route or the Medieval History route and therefore you cannot study both Modern and Medieval History.   

History 2

Matt, Elaine, Phil (Head of Humanities), Silvia and Mel - History Department

What will I study?

Britain from 1951 – 2007: 

This unit looks at how Britain recovered from the end of World War Two in 1945 and then moves on to look at how subsequent leaders put their own interpretation of this legacy into action. If you’re fascinated by political, economic and social history and want to learn more about the recent history of your own country then this is the course for you. 

Russia from 1855 – 1964. 

We look at Russia under the last three Romanov Tsars and then under the Communists up to 1964. We’ll look at Russia’s experience of World War One and how Lenin attempted to introduce Marxism, the impact of civil war on Russia and how Lenin’s death led to the emergence of Stalin and his career. Finally, we’ll emerge into the Cold War. 

Which exam board & how will I be assessed?


Two 2-hour and 30 min exams worth 40% each.  

Coursework worth 20%. 

Where could it take me?

Students have gone on to a variety of reputable universities such as Oxbridge and other Russell Group Universities. A-level History could lead you studying subjects such as law, archaeology, social anthropology and international relations. Others have gone on to apprenticeships for the civil service or into the armed forces. Careers include academic researcher, archaeologist, teacher, politician and solicitor. 

Subject combinations

A-level History goes well with Geography, Law, Politics, all English courses, Sociology, Philosophy and Religion, and Economics.  

What support is available?

We are a department that prides itself on the support that we offer. We do one-to-one tutorials, group revision sessions, exam and study skill workshops, and have a variety of online and hardcopy resources to help students with essays and revision. 

What extracurricular activity is available?

The history department is very proud of its enrichment opportunities. There is a student led History Society which is for anyone interested in the subject. The society puts on debates, quizzes, re-enactment events, films, memorial events, and produces a termly History Magazine. We have also put on trips to Russia, London, Washington D.C. and Rome. 

Did you know?

11 of the 31 Oxbridge offers to students in 2021 are students that studied A-level History.

You can study Ancient History and the Modern History course.